Straffe Ketten R.F.C
Created in 2010 the Straffe Ketten RFC is Belgium’s first and only fully inclusive rugby club. A proud member of IGR (International Gay Rugby) and participating in different competitions in Belgium and abroad, we are as much about the teamwork and brotherhood as we are about rugby and making our sport more inclusive.
Just like much of Brussels, our teammates come from around the world and speak many languages. We are diverse in terms of sexual orientation, culture, ethnic origin, and social background. We share our love of the game and have become a small big family.
We were created in 2010 as the gay rugby team of Brussels. We perceived a lot of interest for rugby in the gay community in Brussels, but very few guys actually attempted to join a rugby club. We swiftly became a socially, culturally and ethnically diverse club united by our passion for our sport. We exist to give everybody in Belgium the opportunity to discover rugby in a fun, social and inclusive environment.
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Organisations inclusives
Participez à notre enquête de communication
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- Organisations inclusives
- Diversité culturelle
- Identités et expressions de genres
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Culture et loisirs
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